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angular.module('pascalprecht.translate') /** * @ngdoc directive * @name pascalprecht.translate.directive:translate-attr * @restrict A * * @description * Translates attributes like translate-attr-ATTR, but with an object like ng-class. * Internally it uses `translate` service to translate translation id. It possible to * pass an optional `translate-values` object literal as string into translation id. * * @param {string=} translate-attr Object literal mapping attributes to translation ids. * @param {string=} translate-values Values to pass into the translation ids. Can be passed as object literal string. * @param {string=} translate-sanitize-strategy defines locally sanitize strategy * * @example <example module="ngView"> <file name="index.html"> <div ng-controller="TranslateCtrl"> <input translate-attr="{ placeholder: translationId, title: 'WITH_VALUES' }" translate-values="{value: 5}" /> </div> </file> <file name="script.js"> angular.module('ngView', ['pascalprecht.translate']) .config(function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en',{ 'TRANSLATION_ID': 'Hello there!', 'WITH_VALUES': 'The following value is dynamic: {{value}}', }).preferredLanguage('en'); }); angular.module('ngView').controller('TranslateCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.translationId = 'TRANSLATION_ID'; $scope.values = { value: 78 }; }); </file> <file name="scenario.js"> it('should translate', function () { inject(function ($rootScope, $compile) { $rootScope.translationId = 'TRANSLATION_ID'; element = $compile('<input translate-attr="{ placeholder: translationId, title: 'WITH_VALUES' }" translate-values="{ value: 5 }" />')($rootScope); $rootScope.$digest(); expect(element.attr('placeholder)).toBe('Hello there!'); expect(element.attr('title)).toBe('The following value is dynamic: 5'); }); }); </file> </example> */ .directive('translateAttr', translateAttrDirective); function translateAttrDirective($translate, $rootScope) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'A', priority: $translate.directivePriority(), link: function linkFn(scope, element, attr) { var translateAttr, translateValues, translateSanitizeStrategy, previousAttributes = {}; // Main update translations function var updateTranslations = function () { angular.forEach(translateAttr, function (translationId, attributeName) { if (!translationId) { return; } previousAttributes[attributeName] = true; // if translation id starts with '.' and translateNamespace given, prepend namespace if (scope.translateNamespace && translationId.charAt(0) === '.') { translationId = scope.translateNamespace + translationId; } $translate(translationId, translateValues, attr.translateInterpolation, undefined, scope.translateLanguage, translateSanitizeStrategy) .then(function (translation) { element.attr(attributeName, translation); }, function (translationId) { element.attr(attributeName, translationId); }); }); // Removing unused attributes that were previously used angular.forEach(previousAttributes, function (flag, attributeName) { if (!translateAttr[attributeName]) { element.removeAttr(attributeName); delete previousAttributes[attributeName]; } }); }; // Watch for attribute changes watchAttribute( scope, attr.translateAttr, function (newValue) { translateAttr = newValue; }, updateTranslations ); // Watch for value changes watchAttribute( scope, attr.translateValues, function (newValue) { translateValues = newValue; }, updateTranslations ); // Watch for sanitize strategy changes watchAttribute( scope, attr.translateSanitizeStrategy, function (newValue) { translateSanitizeStrategy = newValue; }, updateTranslations ); if (attr.translateValues) { scope.$watch(attr.translateValues, updateTranslations, true); } // Replaced watcher on translateLanguage with event listener scope.$on('translateLanguageChanged', updateTranslations); // Ensures the text will be refreshed after the current language was changed // w/ $translate.use(...) var unbind = $rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', updateTranslations); updateTranslations(); scope.$on('$destroy', unbind); } }; } function watchAttribute(scope, attribute, valueCallback, changeCallback) { 'use strict'; if (!attribute) { return; } if (attribute.substr(0, 2) === '::') { attribute = attribute.substr(2); } else { scope.$watch(attribute, function(newValue) { valueCallback(newValue); changeCallback(); }, true); } valueCallback(scope.$eval(attribute)); } translateAttrDirective.displayName = 'translateAttrDirective';